Saturday, October 30, 2010

What Is External 3.5 Used For

RUGBY-céphale (2007)

The "D" day of my move approach.
Until I moved and the whole shebang, j'vous leaves with these two giants rugbylistique ... soon for more Crobard freshly laid!
... Sebastian CHABAL
(cartoon made in 2007)

... Fabien PELOUS
(cartoon made in 2007)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Im Skinny With Gynecomastia


(drawings made in 2007)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nico Vazquez 20 Pack Desnudo


I'm currently in the middle of moving
(Just so you hazarding some fond'carton, time ...)

And this morning I'm falling this caricature date a bit ('Scuse the quality elsewhere, but it is a scanned copy) short, this is an opportunity (and a good excuse) to do a little wink my dear caricapote ...
Charles is above all a friend, a true friend. This master of the pencil (among other things, because it rips just as acrylic, the bugger!) Is a boundless kindness, he lugs around a talent almost indecent his sincere modesty requires ignoring a great guy that I adore and admire ... and I invite you to do the same visiting his bl og hereby .

Friday, October 1, 2010

Membership Accounts For Club Penguin 2010


(1925 - 2010)
See also the versions of Da Costa , Cockerel ( + ) Maestà and Francky