followings Is in French, if you want to continue in Français cliquez ici!
Hello dear visitors!

I must admit it took me a lot (too much) time to find an idea to help my way my friend Natalie, who has a rare form of cancer: a sarcoma ( Soft tissue tumors). The announcement of his illness has left me speechless. I am not a doctor, just a girl after all, very normal and want to help.
I urge you to go:
-read the blog of Nathalie: beat sarcoma (in French: beat sarcoma )
-go for a ride on the association's website she created (this girl is full of energy :-)):
-well if you feel like it You can donate to the research team led by Stanford Amreen Husain.
To donate now, click here.
Like I said I'm not a doctor, but seeks a way to help fight against sarcomas.
I do not see too how to help after making a donation to the research unit at Stanford ... then I got the idea to talk on the net.
My idea is simple talk about this fight while being cheerful and festive, and what's more festive than sharing a good time at the table ? :-) To do this I propose share his breakfast / brunch here Sunday.

This blog help-beat-sarcoma-a-thon is YOUR space.
Note: help-beat-sarcoma-a-thon means relays to help the fight against sarcoma and n is a tuna to help :-)
to you to discuss your lunch / brunch: Whether to share a recipe, a photo or just a great / funny story. Just follow rules below:
Everyone can participate in English or French (the languages I speak, I also speak good Russian, so if there are fans :-))
Option 1 - You have a blog post your story / recipe / photo on your blog and add the following widget (html)
which gives:

Then send an email to cuisinedebabeth {at} gmail {dot } com with the link to your post (and think that you give rights to reproduce texts / photos and recipes).
Option 2 - You do not have a blog and want particper is very simple!
Just send an email to cuisinedebabeth {at} gmail {dot} com with what you want to share (and think that you give the rights to reproduce texts / photos and recipes).