Around Maiorana for GARULFO Bruno, Jean-Luc Masbou for CAPE AND CROCS and Turf for THE SHIP OF FOOLS.

HOME CLOSE Ruppert & Mulot

http://www.bdangouleme.com/maison_close/maison-close, hall.html
Dupuy & Berberian (Presidents of the festival)
A note, too, very attractive program of music festival where, besides the famous concert drawings, Arthur H, Arno and Rodolphe Burger occur in the theater of Angouleme, respectively set illustration by Blain, Nix & Johan de Moor, Dupuy & Berberian. And
For all these reasons that the week of January 26 to 30, you will have the pleasure of being welcomed by Olivier because I am trying to enjoy it all.
And of course, will accompany me a thought for all the fans that signings are being suffocated under the bubbles of the festival, tramping for hours in the queue looooongue, avoiding sacks viciously deposited by professional hunters as I enjoy a glass of champagne in my restaurant petits fours (or a beer with a ham and butter, it will depend on the editor where I m'incrusterais ...).
And for all information about the festival: http://www.bdangouleme.com/
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