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Want to participate? Want more info? One click takes you there. In association with we propose to share your brunch for a good cause . Certainly it will not change much, but it proves that we think people sick and then the blog where these brunches are grouped can help raise funds (and adsense pub direct link to a secure page to donate ).
Today the bubbly blogger Sophie (the very nice blog In the kitchen by Sophie ) we offer a chic and trendy brunch, brunch Anglo-Saxon tinged slow food.
Let's go to Sophie
The dish that I propose is for me a typical brunch Anglo-Saxon by the presence of eggs. The cornbread has a side a little more soul food, but it works perfectly with the texture of creamy scrambled eggs on the edge of the liquid. I also like to add fried mushrooms a few moments. The hungriest add bacon, for us it was a vegetarian brunch and it is So a few dried tomatoes that have been incorporated.
The moment was joyous and festive, delicious and tasty and satiating energy ... What an excellent move Sunday to brave the winter and more ...
Before giving you the recipe, I leave you to read the invitation Babeth: click ! Feel free ...

(recipe taken from it at table No. 60)
Serves 6
150 g flour
200 g cornmeal
1 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons baking powder
35 cl of milk 2 large eggs
1 tablespoon honey
50 g butter
Preparation and cooking time.
Melt butter and set aside. In a bowl, mix flour, cornmeal, salt, yeast and melted butter. Add milk, eggs and honey. Mix well and pour batter into a buttered pan, preferably square or rectangular. Bake in an oven preheated to 150 ° C for 35 minutes. At the end of cooking, remove from pan and cool on rack.
Scrambled eggs with mushrooms and sundried tomato
Serves 6
12 eggs 6 tablespoons milk
fifteen Paris mushrooms
5 "petals" of dried tomatoes
salt, pepper
few leaves of parsley
a little olive oil
few drops of balsamic vinegar
Preparation and cooking time.
Break eggs into a bowl, whisk the milk and then cook in a nonstick saucepan over low heat, stirring all the time. During cooking salt, pepper and some chopped flat leaf parsley. Eggs are ready when they are creamy.
Meanwhile, wash and slice the mushrooms in Paris. Fry in a little olive oil over high heat until browned. Add salt and pepper. Book.
Expand dried tomatoes into small cubes. Cut corn bread into slices with a thickness of about 2 cm and fry a few minutes to double-sided so they are warm and lightly toasted.
finish and service.
Arrange each plate, two pieces of warm corn bread, spread the scrambled eggs. Add mushrooms Paris and some diced sundried tomatoes. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil mixed with few drops of balsamic vinegar and a few sprigs of parsley. Give a final round of ground pepper and serve immediately.
Publi e by Babeth
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