Saturday, June 27, 2009

Should Cervix Feel Before Period

banana pancakes Annika Panika

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Want participate? Want more info? One click takes you there. In association with we suggest you share your brunch for a good cause . Certainly it will not change much, but it proves that we think people sick and then the blog where these brunches are grouped can help raise funds (and adsense pub direct link to a secure page to donate ). In association with we suggest you share your brunch for a good cause . Certainly it will not change much, but it proves that we think people sick and then the blog where these brunches are grouped can help raise funds (pub adsense and direct link to a secure page to donate ).


Today we are fortunate to share with you a recipe for "brunch for a good cause" concocted by a greedy blogger Franco-Swedish Paris (she is not beautiful the Europe :-)) Annika Panika eponymous blog!

Panika Thank you Annika!

"Actually brunch in our family is my Bob handles that. So brunch for me is a symbol of a great moment of tranquility. Our brunches usually consist of pancakes and eggs in all their forms with bacon of course. Our three wags have their preference between eggs scrambled, fried and boiled.

For pancakes, I learned to delegate. Here is my Bob junior who cares, so I do not see what to do to Babeth until Sunday evening when I saw a young woman making banana pancakes in a TV show with Jean Pierre Coffe.

I have not heard all the ingredients but I understood that she had put the banana in the dough and the pancakes when cooking. Some research online and I'm part of this recipe in Marmiton. As usual I cheated a bit and I added sugar because I thought that a pinch of sugar was too low.

Recipe for banana pancakes:


  • 1 ripe banana (or cut when the awning and pass it in the microwave a few seconds)
  • 250g flour
  • 50cl milk 3 eggs

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 30gr melted butter
  • Add as many bananas as necessary during the Cooking

Mix all ingredients in a blender if you have or so with a blender like me. Let stand a few minutes (I still do not know if this is something?)

Then cook your pancakes as you feel: In a small skillet or like me in a pan with four pancakes. When I poured the batter into the pan, I put some coat banana slices chopped finely enough. Cook to your taste.


Children have eaten with Nutella and maple syrup. Me that with maple syrup. We loved the gur banana is delicious with pancakes.


Babeth That is for you and especially to Nathalie. "

Publi e by Babeth


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