All resolutions, whether good or not, are rarely enforced by the person who declared them (especially if it is during the New Year, where the fact of celebrating the end or the beginning of the year, is rarely accompanied by an extreme lucidity regarding the above-said resolutions ...). You will not wonder so much so that this blog is not updated weekly as provided in the note good year despite all the sacrifice that Olivier and myself are trying to implement.
However, We have compiled the following program dedication:
Saturday, March 7
Gihef and Lenaerts for:

As :

Saturday, March 28
Nicolas Wild for:
Saturday, April 11
Daniel Casanave for

The scéances usually start around 2:30 p.m. (15 hours, if the service at the restaurant at noon is a bit long or so is that we took coffee ...).
Other meetings are being planned for the months of May and June.
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